Monday, July 7, 2008

I'm back. Not that I've been missed. I'm sure my 1.5 readers were avidly wondering if I died from over-Taeboing, but unfortunately for my thighs, I haven't been doing much of shit lately. I mean, I will tell you this: I quit my job of 12 and a half years and opened my own insurance agency. Yes, it's not been my lifelong goal of being an insurance pimp that OWNS the playground that the ho's work in, but what can a girl do? I got tired of working for the man, paying my mortgage while my boss bought a new car every week. So, I kinda decided I'd be the man for a change. I mean, really! If you can't screw the man, then screw yourself is my theory on it all. Needless to say, being a small business owner has consumed ALL of my free time. I haven't been online for fun in fifty-kajillion years or something like that. I won't be nearly as neglectful in the future. I need this outlet to bang out my frustrations, random thoughts, and various ponderings. Or else I get all pissy. And yes, I'm currently pissy.

Despite the big job change, the spouse and I still took the kid to Cozumel for vacation. I mean, the tickets were paid for and all that so..... we just sucked it up, raped the savings account, and spent 7 days laying in the Mexican sun. Honestly, it was fun, but it still wasn't as good as the first time we went sans child. The vibe there isn't always kid friendly and I'm not 100% on this, but I think my daughter learned what the flaming pirate is. (It's something pirate, I can't remember) Maybe I should refresh my memory on urban dictionary dot com.

Or maybe not.

So, anyone out there need any insurance? I'm sellings, all I'm saying.....


Special K said...

Hey stranger! Well good for you on the business front! You go girl! Now I hope to see you back more often.

Anonymous said...

As one of the 1.5 loyal readers, I have been wondering about my Groovn Girl. Congrats on hanging your own shingle!

Rock on and sell like there's no tomorrow!

Nilliem said...

And...while not being one of the 1.5 readers you looks like we've doubled your readership!

You know of me from CG's place...and I've been wondering where you were! Happy New Business! Having worked for, and still related to small business owners, I completely understand the insanity. Really.