Thursday, July 17, 2008

I haven't sold an insurance policy today, but the day is still young. I've been working on training for the new computer system and a multitude of other boring things. I won't go into detail. I mean, it's insurance crap. I've had a stress headache for about 7 days now, and our savings account hasn't seen fresh blood in months. Dude. Being self-employed is NOT easy! On the bright side, I don't have to argue over which radio station to listen to. :-)

Yesterday I totally bounced out of work for a few hours and took the kid to the mall. Yes, I'm aware that I'm currently poor and not really getting any type of paycheck, but when I quit smoking I gained a few pounds. Now all my 10's are too snug so I had to find something to cover my rapidly expanding girth. Did I mention that I started smoking again? Yeah, now I'm all beef-cake and shit AND I smoke. WTF did that eight months sans nicotine do for me except make my booty bigger, clear my sinuses, increased my sense of smell, and decreased the amount of cute summer stuff in my closet that actually FITS???? I know, I'll quit again soon. Last night I chugged a large-ish glass of merlot while cleaning the house. Then I decided to go smoke a couple of cigarettes. Now my throat is sore and I'm mentally berating my own damned stupidity. You'd think I was addicted or something.....

Okay, I didn't mean for this to turn into a mini-bitch-fest but there you have it. Those are the things on my mind lately. Work. Smoking. And my big Ass. Oh, I almost forgot this one:

The kid is staying home this summer. She's been spending nine hours per day all alone while the spouse and I do the job thang. I feel like nine different types of a neglectful parent, so does anyone have any (cheap!) ideas that I can do with the rugrat in the evenings? We've played soccer, taken a walk, gone to the mall, and now I'm at a loss. The cheap movie theater in our area is Skankeeeee! so that's not an option unless I double up on the meds before I go. Last time I gave in and went I spent two hours after the movie trying to disenfect my shoes. Yuck!

So, suggestions?


Anonymous said...

My kids like to take a toothpick, draw a design on white paper, then tell me where to color with crayon over it. It then reveals the design they made.

Sometimes my 8-year-old and I write notes back and forth with the toothpick, then color it and then answer back.

However, this might be a tad juvenile for your daughter -- she's around 12 or 13, right?

Are you crafty? Do you like to scrapbook? You could get her started on scrapbooking during the day (while you're at work) and then you two could do a page together.

The scrap book could be about summer, her soccer team, her dreams, etc.

Do you like to do word searches or crossword puzzles? My oldest daughter likes to play those with me (word searches, not crossword puzzles).

Last thought, my kid likes to read books with me, where she reads three or four pages in a funny accent (usually English/Southern drawl) and then I read a few pages using my best cockney accent.

Groovn-girl said...

ooh the scrapbooking idea sounds great! Chloe is 10 going on 50, so the secret message thing could honestly go either way. (damned preteen hormones!)

Nilliem said...

My girls, 13 and 8, like it when we go to a specific park and just hang out. There is also the local pool option, also a hit here.

OH...we do a bookstore trip, too. An evening at Barnes&Noble, one book, and a dessert to split. Heh, sometimes its dinner!!

And the crafts? If she's 10, then jewelry making? Both of my girls love that.

If you have the patience, hee...learn a video game together, one that is a 2-player, and see who gets farther, faster. That one is on-going, so it can be fun when everything else is bleh.

And, the classics! An ongoing game of Monopoly, or just a board game in general. brain is tired, its soooo humid here today...