Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tonight is the season premiere of American Idol, tomorrow is my birthday, and the kid and spouse have purchased a gift for me that I have NO idea what it is. Also, I purchased myself a gift that involves round trip airfare to L.A. to see my girl, B, and five glorious days of debauchery in the big city.

that's going to be the title of the first p0rn book i write. Debauchery in the Big City.

Wish me a happy one!!


Anonymous said...

I'm first, I'm FIRST on your ACTUAL BIRTHDAY! Rock it hard, Ang! Happy, Happy, Happy B-day!

You are da bomb, chick!

Anonymous said...

Dammit, I am not first on the ACTUAL day. You posted on the 15th, said your b-day was tomorrow (the 16th) and I read this in Google Reader and commented on the 17th.

A day late and a dollar short.

Happy belated B-day, Ang.

Groovn-girl said...

THANK YOU C! The kid gave me strep throat and a new laptop. Whoot!

Special K said...

Dude I was so coming on here to tell you sorry I missed your burfday because I got the strep! Now I know who gave it to me! :)
Hope it was good and L fucking A? How awesome is that?