Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Oh my god! Heath Ledger is dead. They found him in one of the Olsen girl's apartments, surrounded by pills. Associated Press is thinking it might be drug related. (damn, what kind of gpa do they allow to graduate from journalism school?) Ya think, dumbass? It was either drugs or that skinny Olsen twin ate him.

I'm so going home to have a bottle of wine and watch A Knight's Tale.....

Rest in peace you sexy mothafuckahh.....


Special K said...

Ok I know this really sucks but wait for me. I am coming, don't down that bottle or turn on that movie yet.
Also? It was a rumor, it never was an Olsen girls apartment. And the pills were Ambien and he had pnumonia so maybe it was an accident. I just can't think of it being on purpose because of that baby girl.
Oh Heath, I guess I will have to quit you.

Anonymous said...

Okay, saw this on MSNBC last night. I have heard the name Heath Ledger. It always makes me think of a Heath Bar the candy bar. I have no idea what movies he was in, I do know he was 28.

I also heard further as special K said, he was naked, NEAR the Olsen twin's apartment but not IN their apartment. The cleaning lady found him with empty pill bottles around and that he did have pneumonia.

I did feel surprised because he was young, but I don't know really who this dude is.

Mr. C said he was in Brokeback Mountain. Never saw the movie. All I know is it was about two gay cowboys. Period.

Rest in peace Heath.