Monday, December 24, 2007

This time of year is always insanely, horribly, joyfully crazy for the family. Considering the spouse and I are atheists, we still fully embrace the Christmas spirit of loving mankind and peace on earth and lots and lots of presents! And pie! But I can't be the only person who is Really, Really freaking tired of Christmas parties. I mean, how long can I be expected to smile and make polite small-talk to people I see once a year? Just the thought of One. More. Minute. of that stuff makes me want to run screaming. Also, just how many holiday outfits are you expected to own? Do they ALL have to be red and sparkly? Luckily I look fabulous in red, but has anyone ever heard of too much of a good thing?

Today is Christmas Eve, however, and the means just close family and friends. Good wine, icy cold Gray Goose and cranberry, cheese and crackers, Christmas cookies. Laying around the living room floor with only the twinkle of Christmas lights and the fireplace for lighting. Watching cheesey Hallmark holiday movies and just being with the people you love. Time to be mellow and happy.

Because tomorrow will be a frenzy of torn wrapping paper and gift bags and stockings turned inside out. And that's just ME opening presents. I'm guessing the kid will have to be involved in this as well. :-)

Merry Christmas guys. Now go give the 'nog ONE more chance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Groovn-girl I am so ecstatically happy because I can now get your feed on my Google Reader. Diaryland doesn't play well with Google Reader. So now I have a global tracking system on your @ss and I will know the moment you update. YES!

Hope you enjoyed the ripping frenzy that was Christmas!