Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I tried some homemade egg nog a few minutes ago that literally made me tear up it was so strong! I mean, I like drinking booze at the office as much as the next person but dude.... warn a girl or something. That was So. Not. Cool. Then we celebrated an office birthday with cake and ice cream and presents. Then I sat on the dirty office floor for about two hours and played with a friend/co-worker's baby. I even snuck and wore jeans today, even though IT'S NOT FRIDAY. (gasp)

And the holiday just keeps barreling closer and closer.

My wishlist this year is surprisingly small. I take this to mean I've shopped entirely too much the past year. I mean, usually I can come up with eleventy kajillion things I'd Love to Have. But this year I'm drawing a blank. I mean, I could be obvious and say diamonds or a new convertible or world peace, but I'm thinking none of that would actually be placed evah so lovingly under the tree with my name on the gift tag. (sucks)

I guess I'll just settle for nog, cookies, and whatever else the spouse comes up with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well, look you bloggin' it up at blogger dot com! So this shall be your new pad? Welcome, enjoy and I will be back!