Friday, December 14, 2007

Yesterday my horoscope told me I was feeling all romantical and crap. It also advised a nice dinner a deux would not be unwelcome. (I'm thinking this horoscope writer was reaching a little. Because Nice Dinner??? Well Duh, Dumbass!) So we took the kid out for beer and pizza. Well, she had Dr. Pepper, but I at least offered on the beer. After the kid grubbed down her salad and cheesey bread, we threw quarters at her and she left the table to play video games. So it was kinda dinner a deux, because she left before the pizza got there.

I don't believe romance has to include some fabulous setting with music, wine, dim lights and some kama-sutra-esque pillows thrown about. All it really takes is the right two people, enjoying hanging out together. Groovn-husband and I sat side by side, on a wooden bench, in a pizza place. Our tankards of brewsky cold and frosty. The pizza covered in 'shrooms on my half, meat on his. Talking with our mouths full about how our respective days went. Drinking beer and passing the shake cheese and peppers. And it was good. Really, really good.


Special K said...

The older I get the more I appreciate the simple kind of life like that. And you know the lovin' is real when things like that do it for ya! :)

Anonymous said...

That IS the good life. Enjoy it for all it's worth, because it's worth its weight in gold.

But you already knew that.