Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I went to my normal stylist on the 6th of December. It was time for a trim and some root work. Maybe a change of color all together. I love my girl, Mindy. That woman OWNS them scissors. They are her bitch. But this time, I left feeling a little deflated. My bangs were shorter than usual and my layers a LOT more subtle. The color was still freaking fabulous, but overall I was disappointed. I went on the 6th to give me plenty of pre-Christmas party time to make sure my hair was good. (yes, I'm aware this sounds vain as fuck, but realistically a good hair day can make or break your mood) Well, now I've just had 13 days to decide my hair looks like shite, and I still have to attend these holiday parties with people who see me once a year. Sucks! Any suggestions? A cute Christmas hat? Going Britney?


Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVED this line:

"yes, I'm aware this sounds vain as fuck, but realistically a good hair day can make or break your mood."

You are cool, groovn-girl.

I have no suggestions for the hair, just a ponytail, like I always do. I think that's not really gonna do it for you though.

Groovn-girl said...

Ironically enough, I AM sporting a ponytail today. Maybe if I tie some jinglebells around it and call it festive? :-)