Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I've never really considered myself a Chicken Little kinda of gal. The sky isn't falling and life doesn't suck. I mean, MOST of the time I don't particularly generate the whole doom and gloom outlook on life. Can I be pessimistic? Hell yeah. But I don't revel in it like some.


This economy shit sucks major ass. (spoken like a true, well-educated, gentile southerner)

I hate spending my shoe money on gas for the car. I hate spending my Gray Goose money on milk and bread. (heaven forbid I actually switch to cheap vodka. I'd rather be thirsty!) I hate spending my vacation money on inflated utility bills. I hate worrying about throwing money away by investing in a moderate risk, market-based retirement plan. I mean, if I save and save, then I would be SO FREAKING PISSED OFF if the stock market went all depression era sucky and I lost all my Geritol money. Damn it.

So, I think I'm going to adopt the Marie Antionette theory on life. We shall all eat cake and to hell with the rest.

I refuse to continue to avidly soak up my daily allowance of cnn or money.com. I won't look at the political news or watch debates or worry about going green. I refuse to hear anything mentally distressing--except the latest on Britney. Instead I will focus on fashion, entertainment, and the horoscopes. Maybe the comics. But not even the jumble because it just pisses me off when I can't think of the answer.

Maybe I'll even go hippy. Except that I must bathe daily and wear cute shoes. So, maybe not so much on the hippy thing. But starting today, I begin my quest to become ignorant, uninformed, and blissfully unaware of the world around me.

Just you wait, in two months time, I'll bet I even start watching Flavor of Love.


Special K said...

I hear ya! I live life like this already. Ignorance IS bliss! I figure I have enough personal shit to keep me worrying I don't need the worlds shit on my shoulders.
The going green thing is cracking my ass up! I actually saw a blogger who is promoting all this, forgoing diapers even and then talks about how she lets her kid play in the water, just lets it run and run. The irony is apparently lost.
But hey! I will go hippy with you! As long as the office doesn't mind the stank, who cares, we can use the Grey Goose to disinfect ourselves, whaddya say?

Groovn-girl said...

Ooh! Your picture has my most favorite cartoon ever!! I love those chocolate bunnies. :-)

Special K said...

So...how is ignoring the world news goin' for ya?
I am sick of the going green thing already. I mean, it is like a passing fad, it won't do any good and it is nearly too late to matter in our lifetime and many many others. Maybe Wal-mart will sell enough of their .97 totes so they will quit putting ONE DAMN THING in a plastic sack.
I find that ironic. Wasters. Heh.