Thursday, January 10, 2008

Today I'm going to see my doctor, in hopes that she can explain why my hormones have suddenly decided to go all mental on me. I quit smoking a little over three months ago with Chantix. (the pill that blocks your body's absorption of nicotine) I didn't have a lot of side effects while taking it, other than Really, Really messed up dreams. Every. Single. Night. The fucked up sleep went away, but now I haven't had a period in two months. Also, I fly off the handle with Intense rages, my face looks like I'm 16 again, and I could sleep twenty hours out of the day. Yes, I realize that this sounds a lot like pregnancy. Unfortunately I'm not pregnant. I took two home pregnancy tests a month ago and they were both negative.

Sidenote: I say 'unfortunately' because I'm currently experiencing baby fever something fierce! A friend had a beautiful baby girl a little over a year ago and I love her dearly. Also, my little sis is pregnant with my niece and I can't wait to meet her!!!! Here' a thought: maybe I'm having sympathy hormones? :-)

I wonder if my cats would let me dress them in those cute, frilly baby clothes I've been oohing and aaahing over lately?


Anonymous said...

Hey, your text is disappearing after the second paragraph. I had to highlight it to read it. Is that a new feature along with the new look at Desperately Seeking Sanity?

My immediate guess is that your thyroid hormones are off OR you are experiencing the beginnings of menopause.

I am told menopause sneaks in like a dirty betch and hangs around for a good ten years or so before accepting the title of menopause and all that goes with it.

Just a guess, though, since I am a fake doctor who uses Google University as my main go-to source.

Anonymous said...

Hey I have an e-mail query for you sistah. E-mail me at cliverules [at] comcast [dot] net and I'll send it to you. This is not a queer cheesy pyramid scheme, by the way.